CPAlead Campaigns

vendredi 9 octobre 2009

See Acai Berries And 19 Essential Amino Acids

By Beverly Y Brooks

Did you know the acai berry contains a string of 19 amino acids. Amino acids are the building blocks of protein and therefore they are vital to being.

Amino acids are organic compounds containing an amino group and a carboxylic acid group that make up proteins. Proteins are composed of various proportions of about twenty common amino acids. Amino acids are comprised of about sixteen percent nitrogen, which is what separates the amino acid from other important nutrients like sugars and fatty acids.

Amino acids are necessary to life as human beings are largely made up of protein, which provides the constitution for all living organisms.

The value of amino acids cannot be underestimated when one considers that protein represents the second biggest constituent of an person's body weight second only to water. Proteins made up of amino acids are essential elements that influence all facets of the body. Even hormones and enzymes are made up of proteins, which are made from amino acids and the hormones and enzymes are critical regulators in physical functions. Genetic information carried in chromosomes has a structural basis of proteins that is carried from the parent to child.

Amino acids are in reality a string of amino acids that are joined together like a chain. Each protein is made up of a distinct group of amino acids and placed in a specific arrangement. Each protein is created to be able to meet a distinct need in the body and cannot be exchanged for another protein.

When a human being eats food that has nutritional protein that protein is broken down into amino acids and the body then takes those amino acids and makes the necessary proteins as needed.

There are a few necessary amino acids that cannot be made within the body and we must get these essential amino acids from the foodstuff that we eat. These indispensable amino acids are hitidine, lysine, phenylalanine, isoleune, leucine, valine, tryptophan, methionine, and theonine.

All amino acids are significantly essential to life but the body can make the ones that are not included in the list of essential amino acids instead of relying upon the diet to provide them. Eating a well balanced diet and together with proper supplements can make sure that the body always has what it needs to uphold a beneficial stability in every system.

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