jeudi 5 novembre 2009

How Brochure Printing Develop Through Time

By Martin Reeves

Brochures have always been one of the most important promotion tools for any business. They can be distributed by hand or by post to clients, or can just be placed on cash counters of retail outlets. As a result, a massive part of the printing services industry has grown to cater to this market. Advancements like digital technology, graphic design tools, and the internet have radically changed the traditional mould of brochure printing.

At a time when computers had not yet been used in brochure printing, the entire thing was a laborious exercise involving use of plate-making tools and film negatives, and the steps involved creating multiple test prints, changing all the settings, and what not. Even design choices were limited, with the printers doing the majority of the design jobs and only the most basic input provided by the customer.

On the other hand, now brochures are designed, transferred to the printing company, and edited on computers, usually by the client himself, and the end product is supplied to the client within a much shorter time span. Supply of finished prints in bulk in a single day is possible now, thanks to improvements in technology.

One must not forget that brochure printing entails careful consideration of features like content, design and layout. The advent of digital technology has opened up a vista of advancements in this area like high quality full-colour printing, complex layout formats, and packages on content-building.

Clients these days usually favour full-colour brochures and digital brochures amongst the newest types of brochures offered by printing services companies. Such brochures are fit to be distributed on a medium or long-term basis. Subject matter for short-term bulk use is best advertised through the use of eye catching, colourful, but brief brochures, which have only a restricted print cycle. The traditional technique of off-set printing is still most appropriate for such brochures, as bulk prints within minimum time is possible, though making of brochures takes a longer time in this process.

Additional services are now offered by several printing service companies in addition to the quality enhancements in the prints. These include services like design, direct mailing, distribution etc.

The internet has radically changed the scenario, with customers now visiting websites of printing firms and placing online orders after choosing designs and colour schemes from the comfort of their office. Hence, brochure printing has changed a lot in a comparatively short time, and the rate of advancements does not seem to be slowing down at all.

Technology makes brochure printing as easy as possible. Brochure printing grows more competitive, thus, make use of technology the most out of it and be creative as you can.

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