CPAlead Campaigns

lundi 11 janvier 2010

Use The Power Of Giving To Market Your Business

By Don Wong

While individual gift-giving to those close to you is an age old practice, not many are aware of the culture of offering corporate gifts. Companies show that they are thankful to their patrons or employees by giving away corporate gifts.

These gifts are costly objects and they normally do not have any role to play in promoting the products or services of the company, which means that they do not have any reference to the company. However, at times organizations also give employees and prospects promotional merchandise such as pen drives, mouse-pads, key-chains and office utility items that are emblazoned with the company logo.

Similar to any other gifts, the choice of a corporate gift should be according to the liking of the individual to whom the item is to be presented. For important customers, exotic and costly objects are the norm, while standard items should be given to members of a particular team of employees.

The perceived worth of a corporate gift is its most important characteristic. It is this factor which has the intended effect on the customer or employee, which aids in developing and maintaining a healthy working relationship with them. Conferring with in house lawyers of your organization before giving corporate gifts is a good idea, because in some countries the law might prohibit it.

Preparation for giving corporate gifts involves figuring out a budget, arriving at the quantity of gifts, and looking for offers available in the market for a bulk purchase. In terms of gifts to clients, planning may not be critical, but for gifts to be presented to staff it is necessary. It is important to make sure that there are sufficient gifts to express your appreciation to every worthy employee.

To summarize, the custom of giving a corporate gift to your staff and clients is a good way to build strong working relationships. However, always ensure that it is allowed by government regulations, and of course, by your finances.

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