CPAlead Campaigns

jeudi 29 octobre 2009

The Mysterious Google Crawl - Part One

By Payo Hernandez

To many online business owners, the way Google conducts its indexing of the web through spiders and robots is quite a mysterious subject.

It's quite a complicated process but by educating yourself in the basics you can gain a solid understanding which will be useful when making some decisions about your website and online business.

The first thing to know is that Google performs 2 main kinds of crawls. A 'deep crawl' is where every page of your website is explored and indexed and this is kind of crawl through the net is performed about once a month. Because it takes so long to complete Google cannot rely alone on this kind of indexing, the internet is simply changing too fast and Google would quickly find itself out of date.

It takes about one week for Google to complete a Deep Crawl and then more time to finish indexing the information gathered. This is why it can take 6 weeks or more for a new site to be indexed by Google and if the domain and site is brand new it may not be indexed at all especially if there are no backlinks from other sites.

Due to this fact Google also performs a fresh crawl. Instead of indexing sites deeply it just grazes the surface of the web gathering latest updates and accessing home pages.

Fresh crawls are basically robots which follow links from one website to another and this is done much more frequently that deep crawls. Fresh crawls are what keep Google's search results up to date and current.

That's why you're far more likely to have a new site found faster through backlinks that by simply submitting a URL to Google and waiting for its deep crawl to index you.

It could take months as opposed to days with a few simple backlinks. Google keeps its fresh crawl schedules secret however by being alert it's still possible for you to recognize them.

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